Seeking Support From Family and Friends When You're Struggling to Manage Type 2 Diabetes


Do you ever feel alone in your Type 2 diabetes management journey, wishing your loved ones understood and supported you better? It’s one of the worst feelings in the world. Isolation.

In this week’s episode, I open up about a universal struggle many of us face when dealing with Type 2 diabetes. 

Drawing from my own experiences, I provide practical guidance on how to bridge the gap and find much-needed support from family and friends. 

What value will you receive in this week’s episode?

Together, we'll explore 

  • The importance of educating your loved ones about diabetes, openly communicating your goals and challenges, and being specific about your needs. 

  • I emphasize the value of nurturing a strong support system, share insights on coping with potential disappointments, and guide you toward external support sources when your immediate circle falls short. 

  • Finally, I remind you to express gratitude for those who stand by your side and empower yourself through self-advocacy in your diabetes management journey.

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


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