The One More Mindset: Developing the Grit to Lose Weight and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes


Today, we're addressing a common pain point that many of us have experienced—the struggle to lose weight. Believe me, I've been there. I know how disheartening it can be when you've tried countless diets, exercise regimens, and medications, and yet the scale refuses to budge, and your type 2 diabetes seems like an unconquerable mountain.

I want to share a mindset shift that changed everything for me—the "One More Mindset." It's that unwavering determination to not give up when things get tough; let me tell you, it has made all the difference.

In this week’s episode, I’m going to share:

  • Tips to overcome the frustrating roadblocks and self-doubt that come with trying to lose weight and reverse type 2 diabetes.

  • My personal journey of losing over 80 pounds in less than a year and completely getting off medications for almost two years.

  • How the "One More Mindset" acts as an antidote to the discouraging mindset of "It's too hard" or "I can't make progress."

  • Practical strategies to cultivate the "One More Mindset" and apply it to your own health journey.

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


Learning From My Journey of Losing Weight, Reversing Type 2 Diabetes & Renewed Health


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