Why the Habit of Grazing Could Be Keeping You From Losing Weight


Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to manage your weight and control your blood sugar levels, even when you're making an effort to eat healthy? 

Well, today's episode is all about tackling an annoying habit that might be sabotaging your progress: grazing. You know; mindlessly and sporadically snacking and eating all day. Some people don’t realize that grazing may be a big reason why they’ve put on extra pounds in what seems like overnight. 

In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk about:

  • Understanding what grazing is and its impact on weight management and blood sugar levels.

  • Practical strategies to break the habit of grazing and become more conscious eaters.

  • Insight into my personal journey of losing over 80 pounds, getting off medications, and reversing type 2 diabetes.

  • Tips for mindful eating and recognizing hunger cues.

  • The importance of structured meals and meal planning for better overall health.

  • Snack substitution ideas to make healthier choices and satisfy cravings.

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


The One More Mindset: Developing the Grit to Lose Weight and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes


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