The Facts About Nutrition Labels: Advice for Making Healthier Food Choices


You may be concerned about your weight and blood sugar levels if you’re pre-diabetic or have type 2 diabetes. You’re thinking about cutting calories and carbs, but you may not know where or how to start.

You could be struggling with food cravings and feel as if it’s time to make a lifestyle change. But certain food manufacturers don’t make it an easy. Their products are contributing to the health problems many people experience.

Sugary foods that drive weight gain and the onset of insulin resistance. Foods high in sodium (salty). Foods that drive high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Foods that negatively impact our gut health and immune system. These are just a few health conditions.

Every day we make food choices: sometimes good and sometimes not so good. 

So in this episode we’re going to dive deep into: 

  • The history behind nutritional food labels. 

  • Recent changes and what they mean to our health.

  • How knowing what’s in the food products and drinks we choose will help us make better choices. 

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


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