You Are the Mountain: Breaking Free from the Chains of Self-Sabotage


Have you ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of coming up short of achieving your goals, whether it’s losing weight, eating healthy, exercising, or some other area of your life? 

This could even apply to your relationships and you always seeming to end up with the wrong person; or perhaps a job you’ve grown to despise. 

Regardless of what it is, something seems to always undermine your progress toward you finally being satisfied and happy.

Well, in today’s episode, we’re going to dive into what may be the real problem.

You are the mountain standing in your way. It’s time to break free from the chains of self-sabotage.

This journey you’re on is a healing journey, that’s bigger than losing weight and reversing type 2 diabetes.

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


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