Ways Men Can Jumpstart Their Way to Good Health, Weight Loss and More



When we were in our teens, 20’s and 30’s, many of us could get away with eating whatever we wanted, and exercising on occasion. But when we crossed over that 40th milestone, things started to change. 

Some of us felt as if we slowed down. Our bodies started aching more than usual. Our waistlines seemed to expand over night. Clothes don’t seem to fit right. Energy seem low. Constantly exhausted. And our we found ourselves taking more trips to the pharmacy.

What happens overtime when you neglect your health?

  1. Missing early signs of an underlying problem

  2. Risk of heart disease and heart attack

  3. Obesity

  4. Type 2 Diabetes

  5. High Blood Pressure

  6. High cholesterol 

  7. Cancer

  8. Health can affect relationships

What value will the listener receive?

  1. Learn simple ways to improve your overall health 

  2. Receive Practical Recommendations for Developing Lifelong Good Habits 

  3. Develop Self-Motivation When You’re Tempted to Quit 

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©2023 Oscar Camejo - The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle


Why Losing Weight Is Beneficial for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes


Why Do Some Men Neglect Their Health?